Friday, September 23, 2011


Twilight is a good movie.
This movie tells about a movie with humans, vampires and werewolves. Bella Swan is a good student, she met a vampire Edward Cullen, she met Edward´s family through your friend Jacob, but what she don´t know is Jacob is a werewolve. Edward and Jacob have a intrigue because vampires kill werewolves, but Bella don´t know. Everything start when Bella wend to the beach with Jacob and his friends, she start to search criatures in the net, until arrive in vampires and Bella was discovering many things about Edward, vampires and his family.
See the end ! You will like !!


Teacher's correction

Twilight is a good movie.
This movie talks about humans, vampires and werewolves. Bella Swan is a good student; she met a vampire called Edward Cullen, then she met Edward´s family through her friend Jacob, but what she doesn´t know is that Jacob is a werewolf. Edward and Jacob have an intrigue because vampires kill werewolves, but Bella doesn´t know. Everything starts when Bella goes to the beach with Jacob and his friends, and starts looking for creatures in the net, until find vampires. Bella discovers many things about Edward, vampires and his family.
See the end ! You will like !!

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