Thursday, September 15, 2011

Let me in

''Let me in'' is a horror movie, remake from a movie called ''let the right one in'', a Swedish movie. The movie is about a little boy with 12 years old, that become friend from a girl, a very weird girl, called Abby who has just moved.
 The boy suffers bullying in his school, and is ignored by his parents, wo are divorcing and I think this is a very interesting thing in this movie, there are some very nice themes to talk about in this movie. The boy discovers that the girl is a vampire in the middle of the movie but it gets pretty clear since the beginning. As I am a fan of horror movies and vampire stories, I really loved this movie, and his history is really good and creative, he is one of the best movies I have ever watched, so I recommend this to all the horror movies fans, especially the original version, that do not have so many special effects but is very nice, anyway.


Teacher's correction

''Let me in'' is a horror movie, a remake from a movie called ''Let the right one in'', a Swedish movie. The movie is about a 12-year-old little boy, that become friends with a girl, a very weird girl called Abby who has just moved.
The boy suffers bullying at his school, and is ignored by his parents, who are divorcing and I think this is a very interesting thing in this movie, there are some very nice themes to talk about in this movie. The boy finds that the girl is a vampire in the middle of the movie but it gets pretty clear since the beginning. As I am a fan of horror movies and vampire stories, I really loved this movie, and its story is really good and creative; it is one of the best movies I have ever watched, so I recommend this to all the horror movies fans, especially the original version, that does not have so many special effects but is very nice, anyway.

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