Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Three Musketeers

The Three Musketeers is a very good movie. Anyone will love !!

This movie talks about Three Muskteers through standing, their names are Aramis, Phortos, Athos, when D'Artagnan arrive in France, not even in 30 minutes, he got 3 fights and by coincidence , he got fight with the three muskteers, but when french´s soldiers saw they, everybody start fight, when Aramis, Phortos and Athos saw D´Artagnan fighting with three soldiers at the same time and gaining they start to fight too, after this D´Artagnan says to they, he was the son of a Musketeer and wanted to become, like his father and of course they accepted. And happened a lot of other thing ... Just seen to know.

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